Monday, October 25, 2010

Some Last Minute Summer Fun

I am so depressed that Summer is coming to an end and ill have to say good bye to my warm sunshine for a season, but we did manage to have some great times before it came to an end. To begin, we went up the monutain on four wheelers with Jordan's good friend Mr Brady Beck. It was a beautiful night with a full moon reflecting off Utah Lake. I wish pictures could have captured the beauty but im afraid my little digital camara can only give you an idea of how amazing it was to look out over Utah Valley and breath in the cool mountain air. I forget how peaceful the world can be when you venture out above the city and listen to the silence of a night. Thank you Brady for taking us! It was so fun.


Next, we had our last little fire in jordan's backyard with some friends. We attempted Ice blocking to begin with but after a few injurys and mudding landings we decided we should call it quits before anyone needed to visit the ER. Although, it was very entertaining to hear peoples reactions at the bottom of the dark hill. Jordan was the first one down and all we heard was "ouch". Needless to say the mud puddle he landed in broke his crash a bit.....all in all it was a night full of laughter, smores, roasted starburts, and wonderful memories with friends!

Our last adventure was a trip to Powell with Jordans family! It was the perfect way to end the season! We had a blast. We didnt get many pictures cause my camara died but there isnt anything much better than tubing and wake boarding on glassy water! The next day when you try and get out of bed and you cant move is totally worth it! It was a wonderful first summer together as a married couple and I can hardly wait for all the adventures that are still to come! So, goodnight for now but tune in again soon!

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